RIPPLE XRP Army, there is so much going on today in the crypto world and we need to talk about it all because, it’s all going to have huge effects on xrp as a whole. So let’s get right on into it starting with coinbase now, as many of you probably are aware coinbase is getting sued by the SCC.
But coinbase is now fighting back with something absolutely huge coinbase is going to start donating to a procrypto candidates in the US elections meaning that, now crypto is getting more involved in politics and of course this all ties back to xrp.
If we have a lot more Republicans that are of course supporting the xrp Army, it’s gonna overthrow this case and the SEC will stop pursuing us as soon as, we get Procrypto people in power. Guys this is absolutely huge crypto is the future and everyone knows, it’s at this point it’s just a matter of getting these elected officials out of office to ensure that we’re getting the people that are procrypto Pro Innovation and of course Pro being represented correctly.
This is all really important stuff for cryptocurrency so, this is huge and this is going to make massive changes incredibly soon here and furthermore, we’re also seeing that the U.S treasury secretary is calling an unscheduled meeting at the same time with all top Financial Regulators.
Now I can guarantee you guys they’re looking at what’s going on in the crypto world and they are threatened by it right so, they need to go ahead and try something a little bit more drastic. You can see that the Federal Reserve is doing virtually everything in their power to completely destabilize the markets and it’s notworking the banks are collapsing and cryptocurrency is coming out ahead and that’s only going to get even a more crazy in a couple of seconds here because I’m going to be showing you guys something absolutely huge, which shows that we’re going to be seeing a massive run incredibly soon.
So, we’re going to get into the Bull Run stuff in a second here, but first I want to talk about Banks getting destabilized as we all know, Jim Cramer has made a ton of bad predictions he said that, svb was going to be okay.
Well, let’s look at how that turned out same thing with Signature Bank and Credit Suisse and lately well, Jim Cramer said that, well Deutsche Bank is complete fine after the stock has been absolutely plummeting.
He is saying that, it’s completely okay there’s no problems, here it’s down 11 on the day. Obviously there’s something going on here, some big shareholders know something bad is about to happen it’s looking like, We’re gonna see yet another bank, that is gonna fail and that is gonna need to be bailed out essentially by the US government or some other entity that is willing to take on all of this risk and of course try to make all of their holders whole once again it’s crazy to think that, you can deposit your money on a bank and it can just explode and go to zero right.
You know, we have all these regulators and cryptocurrency trying to say, crypto’s a problem meanwhile, I don’t see this happening in cryptocurrency. Your money just doesn’t disappear overnight, because somebody went ahead and lent your money to the wrong person or something along.
Those lines xrp solves, this xrp is literally the solution to this problem and that leads me to my next point right here, which is somebody is predicting that acts are pre-price extra pre-price can potentially hit the thousands of dollars.
So, get this guys the international monetary fund agreed on a deal for xrp Price a long time ago years before everything started blowing up with cryptocurrency and they agreed on a price that was in the thousands of dollars. Listen to what this guy has to say right here, so this was a few years ago they agreed upon a price and I got a lot of information from Linda P Jones, has a friend who worked at the Central Bank of Australia and she said that, they agreed upon the price and it’s in the thousands of financial instruments to serve the global economy.
When you start to take all these things into account again, so guys let that sink in they agreed on a price, they agreed on the thousands of dollars per xrp coin. Think about that, this is a Global Financial instrument, which solves all of these problems, I just brought to you guys here svb Signature Bank, Credit Suisse, Dutch bank.
All these Banks failing losing millions and millions of dollars, billions of dollars for all of their customers. This is solved with one single thing, xrp guys and this is something that the global investment funds are all agreeing on it’s worth literally thousands of dollars.
Because trillions of dollars of transactions could potentially go through this it completely overthrows everything. We all know this, but it’s absolutely incredible to hear that people have already agreed on prices like this, as well and if all of this wasn’t great enough guys.
We also have the Bitcoin halving cycle coming up incredibly soon. Here now, I want to show you guys something, every single time that Bitcoin has reached a halving cycle like, the first cycle we can see right here back about even 10 years ago.
Now we can see that, during this period of time Bitcoin absolutely skyrocketed in price. We look at the second having very shortly there after the having started, We can see that, it once again exploded in price and even so more recently, when the having cycle happened in about 2020 once again, absolutely skyrocketed in price and guys we’re coming up really soon.
Here, we can see that we have the FDX crash that did happen small little dip in the price of Bitcoin. But the having cycle is coming incredibly soon, here next year and this once again will be going absolutely ballistic for all Bitcoin holders.
The Bull Run is most likely going to be happening at this period of time. So it’s the time to accumulate whether, it’s Bitcoin whether it’s xrp, whether it’s another altcoin, that you really do like now is the time to accumulate just based off of previous market trends.
Some big things are happening and it is possible, we’re going to see a couple more dumps in the meantime but when they have in cycle hits guys you’re going to want to be involved in the crypto markets that I know for certain and ladies and gentlemen just look at xrp and what it’s accomplishing for the crypto industry as the global financial industry everything is absolutely at the top of the pile it is the cream of the crop.
I think that xrp could be going well past ten dollars I think it could be going to a thousand dollars because as we can already see there were deals there were handshakes that were had on xrp at that price and that is absolutely incredible so ladies and Gentlemen let’s spread the news