The last 24 hours have been an amazing 24 hours for cryptocurrency, and it’s only getting better, and I’m going to be talking about that in today’s blog because there are some extremely exciting things going on, and we’re going to start with the FDIC and a lot of the bellows that are currently going around and a lot of the fake news coverage.

Get Ready For Chaos:
Now there are many reports that were going around very recently that the FDIC was telling banks to give up on crypto, and they actually just denied all of these reports showing that the FDIC is actually looking to work with cryptocurrency banks.
Because they realise a very key issue here, which is that the problem is not with cryptocurrency and the problem is actually with the centralised institutions that are overleveraging their positions and screwing everyone over like you and me who hold our money with those banks.
Now the FED is of course going ahead and starting up the money printer once again, and their balance sheet is absolutely skyrocketing. We can see right here that these loans are newly printed money or a Pharma form of quantitative easing much like what we experienced during COVID, and this increased the FED’s balance sheet by over 300 billion dollars.
Now, what is this money being used for? It’s being used to bail out a number of different banks that are now going ahead and basically saying that they are also insolvent and would have to file for bankruptcy, so instead of dealing with that problem.
Well, they’re going ahead and printing more money to bail out the banks and making sure that the entire economy doesn’t completely collapse, as we have a number of bank runs across the country. A lot of people are already panicking and guess where they’re putting their money.
Well, they’re putting their money in a place where they don’t need to rely on a centralised institution that, only has to legally own 10 of what you deposit within it, and what is that? Well, that is cryptocurrency, that is, a Bitcoin, because Bitcoin is trustless, it’s permissionless, so you go ahead and you store your crypto there; you don’t need to worry about it because nobody’s going to run off with it assuming you don’t hold it on a
The Bitcoin bull market is now in full effect according to the dxy correlation. coefficient High correlation after a bear Market negative correlation has been the start to every single bull market two to three times this was the precursor to a rally.
What do you guys think is going to be happening this time and that is a fantastic question I do want to mention it’s only two out of three times, that this has been the precursor to an actual bull market there has been a time.
When that did not actually happen but this is a historical movement for Bitcoin and it shows why Bitcoin is so important. When banks are shutting down Bitcoin is absolutely skyrocketing and outperforming even the stock market.
So that shows where people are going to put their money in the worst case scenario and that once again my friends is cryptocurrency. My personal opinion is the bull market is not quite here and the reason for that is the Fed is continuing to raise interest rates and people do need money in their bank accounts and because they have less Capital.
Well the chances of selling crypto are higher than the chances of buying crypto unless your bank is going bankrupt and well holding money is not an actual option. Now with that being said, a high-end 2025 did share a really hilarious tweet and I just wanted to show you this to share a really important message.
This guy says, I wish I had kept my 1700 Bitcoin at six cents instead of selling it at 30 cents now that they’re worth Eight dollar per Bitcoin. This guy was quite literally saying this almost 10 years ago right or more than that now and now we’re seeing that of course, this was probably the biggest mistake he’s ever made in his life and I very strongly believe people will be saying this exact same thing.
When Bitcoin inevitably hits one million dollars per coin, I very strongly believe this is going to happen. This is the only way we’re gonna escape the centralized institutions that control and capitalize our higher livelihoods and of course, this is the only way we’re going to get true ownership of our money and not have to worry about excessive minting like. Of course, this insane 300 billion dollars that was just printed to bail out the very same people that are screwing you and me over.