Here’s a great start, the fines paid by the big Global Banks. Okay, defines the admitted fines where they said yeah, I’m guilty of money laundering bad stuff. I’m gonna pay is 80 percent of the whole market cap of Bitcoin. It’s almost 400 billion dollars, in an interview with invest answers, investor Mark yusco gave his take on the real reason behind the banking crisis.

Co hasn’t been shy in the past about its theories. Whether it be the useful idiots running FTX or the purposeful attempt by the government, to undermine Bitcoin use code doesn’t bite his tongue. The banking crisis has been the talk of the Global Financial world with Deutsche Bank being the latest Bank to be affected by the Contagion.
Deutsche Bank one of the financial world’s most prominent players witnessed a sharp and steady fall in its share placing more pressure on the Global Financial system. crystallina georgieva the head of IMF has come out and warned that, this is more than a United States Regional banking issue at a time of higher debt levels.
The rapid transition from aprolonged period of low interest rates, to much higher rates, necessary to fight inflation inevitably generates stresses and vulnerabilities as evidenced by recent developments in the banking sector in some advanced economies. Georgiev a said at a conference in Beijing, according to Mark yusco the cysteria and fomo of the banks is all planned with the intention of making everyone. So, scared of banks that, they will only place their money in one place.
The government let’s listen to, what Mark has to say gold is the base layer of money. Right, gold is actually the only money in the world, money is an asset that exists in the absence of a liability. Everything else is debt, it’s credit even JP Morgan’s famously said that, gold is money everything else is just credit.
So, now the question is does the gold in Fort Knox actually exist or did they already sell. It multiple times nobody really knows, but we know China has a bunch of gold, y know Russia has a bunch of gold, you know a lot of central banks have been buying gold, like it’s going out of style. Because there’s only so much of it and it is the base layer of money.
Everything else is then built on top of it with debt and currency and so they couldn’t stop people from owning gold, unless they went to everybody’s house and searched and seized it which they didn’t do but they made a statement and in 75 they reversed it, because they had basically closed the gold window.
They cut a deal with Saudi Arabia in 1971, where they said look, we’ll go off the gold standard so no long in the old days if you had a paper note right green and white piece of paper, You could give it to the government and they would give you gold or silver money actually had value.
Today money has no value people say, oh it’s backed by full faith and credit and what does that mean anything If you hand you’re a green piece of paper to the government, you get no gold, you get no silver, you get no tax revenues, you get no relief on anything. you owe you get nothing money only has value because or currency only has value.
Because of custom and belief and we use green paper in the United States and in Israel, they use yellow paper shekels and China they use REM and B red pieces of paper. So can they ban it or can they block it. hell, no hell to the no couple things one Bitcoin in particular okay eighty percent eight zero is held outside the United States.
You know, we act like we’re big and important. but 80 non-us let’s say they said, you can no longer use the your bank you know, like Bank of America. The first time I tried to transfer money from Bank of America, which is now no longer my bank okay and there’s information content first time, I tried to transfer from Bank of America to coinbase, which we our investor in an owner of part owner of they said 14 days like what do you mean 14 days, well.
You know well, most people don’t it’s theirs shows up on their balance sheet, they have a liability to you an IOU which is good money, good most of the time but sometimes not so good. Last two weeks ago, Friday we weren’t so sure, Silicon Valley Bank iou’s were going to be very good but now, they’ve been guaranteed.
So, here’s the thing let’s say, they did let’s say they said no way you can’t use any U.S government sanctioned banking rails to convert into Bitcoin. What will people do well, they do what they did in 2013. They would take cash out of the ATM and they would go meet someone in a dark alley yep exchange a you know little you know key with Bitcoin on it and yeah five dollar wrench risk and kidnapping risk and all the bad stuff that happens.
You know today, when people buy illicit things or you just VPN out of the United States and go to your Swiss bank account or Singaporean bank account or you’d fly down to you know Costa Rica, where somebody I know might be headed for spring break this year to check it out.
You’d you know withdraw money there or go to beat you know Bitcoin ATM, So no you can’t bet you can’t ban a decentral saying you’re going to ban crypto or ban Bitcoin is a little like saying you’re gonna stop electricity from flowing.
They’re trying to create fear and distrust not just of crypto but of banking. Wait a minute, wait a minute if you’re the banks, why would you want to foment unrest about banking oh, because you want people to be so afraid of keeping their money in the bank.
They move it to the FED every Sunday, since 1987 actually early 1988. So, it’s the January 1988 happened after the 87 crash every Sunday. The Council on economic stability meets the head of the fact. The head of the treasury, the head of the fed and the four biggest banks. Okay they meet and that’s why every big thing that’s happened in financial services in the last 35 years happens on Sunday night.
When did Bear Stearns get taken over Sunday night, when did Lehman get taken over Sunday night, when Washington Mutual get taken over Sunday night, when did Wells Fargo. I mean Wachovia Bank get taken over Sunday night, when did Silicon Valley Bank happen Sunday night, Signature Bank Sunday night, that’s how it works and here’s here’s the problem the Fed the Federal Reserve is neither Federaln or does it have any Reserves.
It is not a bank is a private Corporation owned by the Banks and a handful of very very wealthy European families. It was created by the same people, that created the original Central Bank in the Netherlands to finance Wars to take over France. So, they could have the World Reserve currency for 70 years right after France took over Spain which took over Portugal and then half of the family moved to London and set up the bank of England
Because they had the steam ship and they had a better Navy than, they took over the Netherlands and got the world Reserve currency and the Sun never set on the British Empire and then, because of Oppenheimer a big movie that just came out. we had nuclear submarines and we became the most powerful navy and we became the world Reserve currency and now they see that it’s threatened.