Why USA Is In Such A Mess?

And in closing, I have to state that the USA is a mess. Your economy is crashing and inflation is out of control. Russia has joined with China unthinkable Saudi Arabia’s great people have joined Iran.

China, Russia, Iran North Korea has formed together as a menacing and destructive coalition. Our currency is crashing and will soon no longer be the world standard, which will be our greatest defeat in 200 years.

It was unthinkable just a few years ago that that could happen, but it’s happening before your very eyes, and we won’t let it happen with even a chance, just like Russia would have never invaded Ukraine and China would not behaving even with the thought of raiding Taiwan.

If you took the five worst presidents in the history of the United States and added them up, they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration have done.

We are a failing nation. We are a nation in decline. And now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement, and we can’t let that happen.

But with all of this being said and with a very dark cloud hanging over our country, I have no doubt that we will together as a group make America great again. God bless you all.

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